Wednesday, October 2, 2013


The first October 2012, we bought her from a traditional animal market. She was a gift from me to R for our 4th year. He fallen love with her at very first sight. She’s not like her brother. She was friendly and cheerful when we got closer to her cage in the market. Finally, we decided to take her home, and then he named her flower. We were so excited for her presence. We bought a cage, small water dispenser for her cage, we bought her a collar also. It was very exciting. She always bite her collar, and we had to bought her another one. She is really cute back then, with grayish fur and very cute round face. R spoiled her all the time, he even slept with her. Month after month, she became really active, I always fought with her to get the attention from R. We were a big rival at that time. But, still I love her. She always take care of R when I am not around. What I always remember is that she would ran to us when I came to feed her.  She was a smart pretty dog. We through a lot with her. We saw while she was sick after getting hat by motorcycle that made her bones dislocated, and we saw her giving birth to her cute five little puppies before I should back home for holiday.

This year at the first of October we should be a year with her. But, God revealed another plan for her. Someone hat her, she got a serious injuries. I got a phone call and when I saw her, she was lying in front of R door. Not even a single movement I saw, just Flo lied there. I cried. She was no more. I cried and said “the day after tomorrow will be our first year with you!”. I cried and thought about R who was still in the bus from Surabaya. I was afraid to tell him what’s going on. R really shocked. He told me that we should not remember her death but remember her presence with us. Thank you for being such a good friend. We love you. We are taking care two of your puppies, Pedro and Malam. You give us a chance to share our affection to your puppies. Always be a good girl Flo. :)


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