Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts

Friday, April 24, 2020

Physical Distancing selama COVID-19

Haloo, apa kabar teman - teman?

Sudah apa aja yang kalian lakukan untuk melakukan pencegahan penyebaran COVID-19? Untuk yang stay #dirumahaja, social distancing atau physical distancing rasanya sudah kita lalui sebulan lebih. Iya gak sih? Untuk saya sejauh ini sudah dari awal Maret hingga hari ini, hampir 2 bulan diam di rumah.

Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels

Social distancing rasanya cukup berat ya. Apalagi buat teman - teman yang memang mendapat energi dari bertemu dan bersosialisasi dengan orang - orang. Untuk saya sendiri, sebenarnya diam di rumah adalah hal yang dilakukan sehari - hari.

Social distancing sendiri dianjurkan sebagai salah satu langkah supaya virus ini tida menyebar lebih banyak lagi. Tapi saya lebih prefer dengan istilah physical distancing. Kenapa, karena sebenarnya yang coba kita buat jaraknya adalah fisik bukan? We keep our social life online. Walaupun mungkin untuk beberapa orang, get in touch dengan teman dekat bahkan saudara melalui jaringan internet dan juga aplikasinya tidak cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka atas hubungan sosial.

Tapi, demi mengurangi resiko bertambahnya jumlah penderita COVID-19, we need to take this measure seriously. Berusaha untuk menghindari kontak langsung dengan orang karena kita bahkan tidak tahu mereka bertemu dan kontak dengan siapa sebelumnya. Sehingga, anjuran #dirumahaja juga semakin digaungkan oleh berbagai pihak.

From Pexels

Selama masa - masa #dirumahaja ini, saya berusaha untuk tetap menghubungi saudara melalui whatsapp group. Bahkan kami update kegiatan sehari - hari sampai foto - foto ponakan juga di share di group tersebut. Apalagi saat ini kita baru saja menyambut bulan Ramadan. Pasti ada rasa rindu suasana Ramadan yang hangat dan seru bersama keluarga besar. Selain tu tanyain kabar teman - teman melalui sosmed juga jadi cara saya untuk tetap tahu perkembangan dan keadaan teman - teman saya.

Untuk saya yang bekerja dalam grup, physical distancing ini bikin kami tidak bisa berkumpul dan latihan bersama. Oya, bagi yang belum tahu, saya dan Rangga memiliki grup teater boneka, Flying Balloons Puppet namanya. Tentunya grup grup kesenian juga mendapat imbas yang cukup besar karena banyak pertunjukan langsung ditunda bahkan dibatalkan, dan beberapa beralih ke pertunjukan secara online. Kami sedang mempersiapkan sesuatu, semoga bisa berjalan dengan baik.

Selama physical distancing ini, ada beberapa hal yang saya rindu, apalagi sekarang lagi bulan Ramadan.

Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

Tarawih di Masjid
Karena banyak tempat ibadah ditutup, Ramadan tahun ini mengharuskan kita untuk beribadah di rumah saja. Tarawih gak lagi sama, tapi semoga niat baik dan juga ibadahnya tidak berkurang meski tidak dilakukan bersama - sama ya.

Buka Puasa bareng teman - teman
Biasanya momen Ramadan jadi waktunya berkumpul dan update kabar, ya nggak sih? Bahkan acara buka bersama ada bukber teman - teman SD sampai teman - teman Kantor. Jadwal buka puasa tahun ini kita lakuka di rumah saja. Mungkin memang waktunya kita kembali fokus pada orang - orang yang tinggal bersama kita. Menikmati waktu buka bersama dengan keluarga di rumah.

Jalan - jalan sore cari takjil
Ini favorit saya! Sambil menunggu waktu buka puasa, saya suka banget ajakin Rangga buat cari takjil sebelum kita pergi untuk buka puasa di Cak Samsul, pedagang sate madura langganan saya. Kayaknya tahun lalu itu, hampir setiap hari saya dan Rangga buka puasa di luar. Kebetulan waktu buka puasanya bertepatan dengan saya pulang kantor. Jadi bisa jalan - jalan bentar deh. Tahun ini, takjilnya di bikin sendiri aja, atau beli dari warung deket rumah. Saya jadi makin rajin di dapur sejak COVID-19 ini. Selalu ada hikmahnya ya.

Berkumpul saat Lebaran
Ini dia yang pasti terlewat tahun ini. Saya dan Rangga berniat lebaran di Jogja, kami tidak pulang ke Lombok. Karena rencananya keluarga kami yang akan menyusul ke sini. Saya dan kakak-kakak saya berniat ke Madiun untuk ziarah ke makam Mbah Kung saat lebaran nanti. Sedih sih sebenarnya, rencananya jadi batal. Tapi, saya masih bersyukur, saudara dan orang tua kami semua dalam keadaan sehat

Mungkin memang banyak yang berbeda di bulan Ramadan tahun ini. Bukan juga kebiasaan yang bisa langsung kita jalankan. Tapi, kita harus melakukannya untuk segera melewati masa - masa sulit ini. Semoga kita semua selalu diberi kesabaran dan juga kesehatan ya.

Selamat menunaikan Ibadah Ramadan teman - teman!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Helping each other to survive during Pandemic

Halo, apa kabar?
Bagaimana day ke sekian dari karantinanya. Semoga tetap waras ya. Heheeu

Pandemi ini membuat semua lapisan merasa kesulitan terlepas dari pembagian status sosial. Mungkin memang akan ada opini tentang bagaimana saudara - saudara kita yang hidup dari pekerjaan sehari - hari terdampak dari keadaan ini. Besarnya dampak satu sama lain pastinya beda, tapi kalau ngomongin perbedaan terus kapan kita bisa melewati situasi ini. 

Photo by Ricardo Esquivel from Pexels

Sebenarnya yang penting adalah apa yang bisa kita sebagai individu lakukan untuk meringankan saudara, teman, dan saudara kita selama pandemi ini berlangsung  Menurut saya banyak cara, tidak terukur besar kecilnya, setiap kontribusi pasti berarti untuk orang yang kita bantu tersebut. They will not judge you by how big you help them but the help it self. 

Let your friend promote their business
Kadang kita ngerasa annoyed kan sama temen yang promosiin jualannya di segala lini. But, now everyone needs to promote their small business. Orang - orang berusaha untuk survive. Jadi, let your friend do their job dan mungkin kamu bisa bantu promosiin usaha temen kamu. Pasti sangat membantu mereka di saat omzet menurun seperti sekarang ini.

Buy from your local grocery store
Photo by Erik Scheel from Pexels
Paling mudah dilakuin, belanja dari tetangga ataupun penjual sayur dan bahan pangan yang ada di sekitar kamu. Ada beberapa toko - toko kecil yang akhirnya tutup atau beralih ke online selama pandemi ini.

Spare sebagian penghasilan ke dompet donasi yang digalang teman ataupun komunitas
Kalau ada uang lebih, bisa juga lho kamu berbagi sedikit penghasilan kamu ke aksi penggalangan dana yang banyak dilakukan. Bahkan kamu juga bisa take action dengan ajak teman untuk membuat penggalangan dana kamu sendiri. Sekarang, selain untuk pekerja lepas, penggalangan dana juga dilakukan untuk garda depan pandemi ini, tidak lain adalah tenaga kesehatan kita. Yuk bantu yang bisa kamu bantu!

Bagiin masker kamu yang lebih ke pekerja yang kamu temui di jalan
Kalau punya masker lebih, bisa banget kasih ke pengepul sampah yang suka angkutin sampah di komplek. Atau ke penjual bakso keliling. They need those mask to keep on working

Even the slightest hi means something
Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels

Bener! Selama masa krisis ini, gak cuma kebutuhan sehari - hari yang harus dipenuhi, kesehatan mental juga harus di jaga ya. Bertanya kabar ke teman, saudara, sahabat bisa jadi cara paling mudah untuk membantu. It will brighten up their day knowing someone is still care. Dengan ada social distancing ini, beberapa bahkan banyak orang pasti mengalami kesusahan bahkan kesedihan. Bikin temen kamu happy hari ini dengan say hi ke mereka yaa.

Jadi, ceritain dong apa saja yang sudah kamu lakuin untuk bantu sesama selama covid-19 outbreak ini. Share cerita di kolom komentar ya.

Stay sane and happy semua!

Monday, April 20, 2020

COVID-19 : A way to be more aware

Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels

Sejak mendengar kasus COVID-19 yang disebabkan oleh virus Corona terjadi di China, I know for sure it will happen in Indonesia sooner or later. 

Sedih sebenarnya melihat bagaimana pemerintah bereaksi terhadap munculnya kejadian ini, well nasi udah jadi bubur ayam ya.  Kasus COVID-19 positif pun meningkat tiap hari, kadang khawatir melanda, apalagi buat Ibu muda dengan bayi yang baru menginjak beberapa bulan. Sekarang yang bisa saya dan kita lakukan adalah mengerti mengenai virus itu untuk menyiapkam diri kita. Iya kan?

So, what is it?
Berdasarkan pengertian World Health Organization (WHO), virus Corona adalah kumpulan virus yang menyerang manusia dan juga hewan. Beberapa virus ini memang diketahui menyerang bagian pernafasan kita. Beberapa penyakit menular yang sempat menghebohkan dunia antara lain MERS dna juga SARS disebabkan oleh kelompok virus ini.

Lalu, COVID-19 itu apa? Jadi COVID-19 adalah kependekan dari Corona Virus Disease 19, yang merupakan penyakit menular yang penyebarannya pertama kali diidentifikasi terjadi di Wuhan, China bulan Desember lalu.

I know, too much information terkadang membuat kita insecure dan jadi berasap gitu gak sih kepalanya. Apalagi berita tentang penyakit ini terus menerus muncul di sosial media kita (gak di layar kaca, soalnya di rumah gak punya tv). Di berbagai berita menyiarkan banyak sekali kasus luar biasa oleh virus ini, seperti Italia yang jumlah kematiannya sudah ribuan, dan sekarang Amerika Serikat juga menyusul.

Saya jadi sadar beberapa hal, yaitu dengan adanya virus ini saya lebih aware terhadap what happened around or within myself. Jadi lebih berhati - hati kan sejak tahu bahwa penyebaran virus ini terjadi jika ada contact antara orang yang sakit ataupun tidak sakit tapi carrier. Penularan virus terjadi melalui percikan - percikan cairan yang berasal dari mulut dan hidung. Menular dan masuk melalui hidung, mata, dan mulut. Jadi, sejak informasi ini dikumandangkan, kita diharapkan untuk tidak berinteraksi dengan orang - orang disekitar kita dan menghindari memegang tiga bagian muka ini. Lebih lanjut lagi, anjuran bahkan kewajiban untuk cuci tangan juga diinformasikan karena virus ini akan melemah jika protein yang melindunginya dicuci dengan cairan sabun.
Semakin sadar kan bahwa local wisdom yang diajarkan orang tua dulu memang punya manfaat sendiri. Ingat kan, selalu dibilangin ma Ibu dan Bapak buat cuci kaki dan tangan sebelum masuk rumah. Dan it works today untuk mencegah penularan virus Corona.

Photo by Branimir Balogovic form Pexels
Despite all the bad things that happen karena penyebaran penyakit ini, kita juga diajak untuk belajar lebih sadar diri dan juga lingkungan kita. Belajar untuk tahu lebih lanjut tentang pandemi ini dan ngajak saudara dan tetangga juga buat mengerti tentang kondisi saat ini. Karena after all, kita harus bersama - sama buat melewati masa - masa sulit ini.

Stay safe and healthy everyone!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

A story of a young Orangutan

I always find it fascinating, a wilderness and unique animals exist in Indonesia. There are thousands of animals and plants spread all across this nation. Have you see any of them? Some of us might have a chance to see them in the zoo, more lucky people live side by side with them. Do you have any idea how the way we live now influence their natural habitat?

Concerning I might say, how we treat our environment today. Even though, the exposure from T.V. and media is devastating to look at, but not many people think that it is a priority to save our environment. People tend to debating about whether you have faith to God or not if you choose certain people as your leader. They forget that those leaders they talk about, they don't give s*** to the future of Indonesian environmental problem. Sorry I have to say that, if you looked back on the last presidential candidate official debate, no one talked about it. No one.

They do not feel guilty from what they left their children and grandchildren with. More and more plants and animals went extinct. Less and less safe place to live. We are guilty for what our generation will experience in their life. I feel guilty if my generation cannot feel the fresh breeze of wind, or clear sea where they can swim and dive. I feel guilty for forgetting that I live in a place together not only with other human but other living things who provides me with foods, lands, and water. I believe that God want us not to be greedy. I am sure of that. I could not give you the verses you are looking for, but that is what I believe. Before I rant more about how ignorant people nowadays, let me tell you a story, that is what I want to write today.

I want to share a story of young Orangutan, who lost his home. Can you imagine if your homeland is no longer exist? There is no place to come back home. No one wanted to experience that. But, sometimes we ignore the lives of others. The forest you used to find foods, now gone. The river where you get your water and fish, now dirty full of plastics and all that toxic waste. Imagine being him where all his family and friends are whether dying from expulsion or fire, captured by people because they are considered a pest. He is full of confusion, anger, and sadness. He only wished to see his family and live like they used to be.

I am an Orangutan, who lives in the land we share together

My body was on fire
Not from what people used to burn my home with
But from anger
Who heats my soul

I cursed
I screamed
Wanting people to hear
That I am here

Will you listen?
Will you understand?
Those branches
Are my favorite place

It used to be
Place where my mother feeds me
Where I jumped and play
With my little brother

That tree is not yours
Neither mine
Would you want to share?
The same air its produced

I bet you do not want
Because you feel so much higher
You feel that you are in power
But, you are not

I feel weird writing those poem/poetry/whatever you want to called it. I feel the resentment. I feel bad. But, I think that somehow you have to transfer your mind.

Anyway, this year, Flying Balloons Puppet will come with a new performance about Orangutan. We want to share our perspective on this issue. We are not the environment activist, but we want to let people know and feel that this is what happen in our beloved country.

Let's meet and be there to experience the lost, anguish, that Orangutan felt about his home.

Would he find his home? Would he be happy?

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Not-so minimalist wardrobe

count how many clothes I have and why I start to own less

For me, 2019 is a start of better and a bit conscious lifestyle. The story begin when, I feel a bit uncomfortable after me and Flying Balloons Puppet performed about the environment, how human act affects its surrounding. It will be a hypocrisy if we told story about destroyed environment and how human should do to protect it without actually making a real move. I never set a perfect nor a big standar on how I want to change the way I live. It is an ongoing process for me and my partner. We start little but at least we start now.

Conscious life and better understanding about how my action influence my environment is a journey to be able to feel enough when it is actually enough. When it comes to clothing, I used to splurge, even though it is far from it, but there are a lot of clothes that I never use, staying in a dark. I hold into some clothes because I thought it has a memory on it or I might use it someday (which is most of the time is not going to happen). Then, since last year, I reevaluate my clothes, and pile up clothing items that I rarely use. The results is quite mesmerizing, I cleaned and packed some of it to give to donation, while some of it I repurpose into something else. Until this moment I am still in the process of selecting wardrobe that I really need and still separate clothes I rarely use. It is not a one night experience for me, it is a long journey ahead.

I want to show you how my progress is by counting how many clothes that I have right now, even though the number will not be super accurate but I could at least have a picture of it. This number will not included bag, shoes, accessories, and sleeping wear as well as undergarment.

So, let’s see.
Pile of tops that I have, minus 5 in the laundry
Bottoms and lounge wear. I am not putting my undergarment into this list

Two outers. Jeans jacket and a jumper. I shared this one with my partner.
If I count total of my clothes, it is about 43 items, included formal wear, seasonal jackets, which I am not put in this post, also other t-shirts and pants in the laundry basket. You see that most of my clothes are t-shirt, black t-shirts to be exact. I do not own many formal blouses and such since I rarely get into a formal set up or event. So, for now I stick with this items. If you happen to know me, you might notice some outer that I use most of the time, the black one or the flowery one.

It is still a great number of clothes, that is why I put not-so minimalist wardrobe for the title. But, for now, it is my favorite and most use clothes. Learning to become fulfill with what I have is difficult and not an easy task. If someday I found new clothing items which I need, I will put the old one into a pile for donation, repurpose, and mending or fixing things. I have talked about mending my old jeans in this blog post.

All of exposure happen today with unending ads, sometimes make me want to buy more, I need that, I probably need that, or simply I like that. But, I am glad, that since I get married, I consider every purchase that I want to make especially when it comes to unnecessary item. I know by heart that I am not going to be a full perfect minimalist, because I know I am not. I believe that it is a good start when we are trying to understand how our clothing create impact to our surroundings. 

Becoming compassionate with environment through selective wardrobe is a little step for me to get better as a person and human. I am no perfect when it comes to #lesswaste #conscious lifestyle, and I know I have no right to judge people way of life, because we are totally different, and it is just fine. I started this small change as a way for me as a reminder to be responsible for what I have told people from performance that I did. Personally, it is silly to talk big without a definitive action. This is an effort that I try to make the least. 

I will talk more about the journey of my little change through this blog. I hope it will give you something to think about. I put some link and reference below if you are interested on fashion and its impact to the environment.


The True Cost
Minimalism: A Documentary About The Important Things

Thank you for stopping by.

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

O tsuku roi: Repair

Personal photo

I spent one of my sunday noon repairing my old pair of jeans. I have it since I was in Junior high school, it is about 10 years ago. I love this jeans, but I cannot wear it now. There is a hole in the knee! I am dying~ It is my favorite pair. Actually, TBH, I already planning to mend the hole with an old scrap of jeans and some embroidery threads. But, I procrastinate a lot. It is almost 3 months since I start this project. 3 MONTHS! It is the longest time I ever procrastinate a project.

I have no pants left, not in my wardrobe nor in my laundry. I need to do something. I made it and finished the project with proud and pride. You know how it feels when you finish something you think you will never finish? That is how I feel. I randomly stitched some embroidery thread, yellow (my least favorite colors), burgundy, and blues. I have no black thread left, so I need to work this color out.

I posted on my Instagram stories, and my friend told me it is called o tsuku roi in Japanese which means repair. Repairing is not that common today, especially when it comes to clothing. Fast fashion to blame? Or the way we live? When it comes to clothing, I do not own many clothings right now (even the word not many cannot guarantee I only have ten pieces of wardrobe). It is one of way to live conscious life. I know it is far from less waste or zero waste lifestyle. But it is my effort to be more conscious about what I left behind.

Clothes, who does not tricked by the fast fashion and how cheap you can get to style yourself, right? You can follow the latest trend and own a fashionable clothes only for hundred thousand rupiahs even less in some store.

According to Merriam Webster,
“Fast fashion is an approach to the design, creation, and marketing of clothing fashions that emphasizes making fashion trends quickly and cheaply available to consumers”

The term quickly and cheaply will be the highlight to this meaning. I have watch a documentary about how fast a fashion industry today. Even, in one of famous fast fashion brand, they could change the whole wardrobe in their etalage every three weeks if I am not mistaken. When we buy something/ clothes, have we ever think how many times we use it? How long it will last in our wardrobe? I have seen many clothing items have been thrown out, and the sad thing is we cannot easily recycle it. I am not trying to judge you or everyone who into the fast fashion, I guilty as well, I bought stuff from those brands. I just wondering, how can we change the way we consume something. How it will be impacting our lives?

Personal Photo

I want to learn and be more grateful for what I have. Repairing a pair of jeans that I wear almost half of my age now is a kind of respect on how it is ended up in my closet. A labour that spend his lifetime making those jeans, from cutting the fabric, dye the jeans, and pack it up. Also, a journey way before that material came into the fabric. I guess, repairing one pair of jeans will not harm me at all. It is helping healing myself at the same time.

A pair of jeans that come to live and stay with me for another years.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Between Work, Study, and Hobby

source: pexels

I always want to write about this entry for quite some time. It is a kind of post that contain reflection of what I am doing right now. Life could be intriguing but yet it has a lot of surprises that wait to open. I have never thought that I will stay in Jogja after graduated. I love studying, I would like to continue or taking another school year on cultural diplomacy. But, for now I need to focus on work and things that I love to do. Have you ever cross a moment when you feel confused to decide whether to pursue your work, degree, or hobby? I guess, I haven’t been there completely but close to that moment.

I always remind myself that, I will take another path which most of my family will not going to attend. The only road that would define myself as I am not anyone else. Before graduated from my master degree, my sister told me to looking for a job. I am glad I listened to her advices. I have a full time job now, I also study, and manage my puppet theatre group. Someone then ask me, how can you work, study, and do your favorite things? I could manage it somehow. Do I have another degree from my study? Of course not. Where do you study? Everywhere from everyone I met.

I considered myself lucky to work in startup, I learn an array of new things I would never imagine I would take while in school. I also could still have times to manage a puppet theatre group and we performed in Jakarta on March! Isn’t it amazing when your work could offer a chance for you to study as well as a time to develop yourself on your other passions? I think that for a starter, I would tell you a story how I ended up working in startup.

As I mentioned before, I am looking for a job while working for my final thesis. It is a struggle to adjust with work life and study but again I am so blessed that my first official job is in a startup. Kulina, is an online catering service that provided lunch for professionals in Jakarta. I work in marketing team. When you work in startup you will see yourself in another dimension with your mates that work in big company. Why? Because, you work and study hard with your peer members to help the company grow. While, the big company already stable and the problems they face will be different from startup, that is my opinion. Kulina gives me a chance to learn something new and I believe that I will use that knowledge for me to develop myself as well as for my puppet theatre group.

I heard some of my friends told about how they work in certain job or company that sometimes pushes you to be someone else. Even one of my friend resign from her job because she could not handle the environment. Again, I always thank God for the road I am now, even though I do not have a stable position like all my friend who work in government but I have more freedom to develop myself as an individual. I know people will say that, “you do not know how long it takes for the startup to be a unicorn”, “what happened if the company should laid off its employee if no more investor invest to the company?”, but can we appreciate what we have now and do our best in whatever things we do? Life is an amazing playground.

How about study and hobby? I hope I could take another degree in cultural diplomacy in the next two years, but I am preparing myself now. In fact, I also study while I am working. How come? I learn things from Kulina and my workmates. I consider that studying. Hobby, I could not say that my hobby is puppet theatre, but the process of making puppet and discussing the ideas makes me excited. I think that puppet theatre is a way all my childhood dream are all about. I always love all the things that pretty and it makes me happy to create something from scratch. Even though I never have a dream to be involved in a performance group, but Flying Balloons Puppet really open up many doors for me.

Wow! I talked this much. For you guys who worked in Jakarta that feels the struggle of finding the lunch that totally understand you, you do not have to wait no more. Check out and subscribe Kulina! You could get discount by using my referral code MEYDA2.😉

I may come back with another story about my job in Kulina and Flying Balloons Puppet. Tell me in the comment what do you prefer to read.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Start May with lots of self love

Welcome May!
How was your April? I hope you find joy in every little things.Time flies so fast, it is already the mid of year and we will welcoming Ramadhan in just two weeks.

For me, this month offer a lot of opportunities for me to look back and take a deep breath. Time to exhale all the complicated pile of bad thoughts that I collected since May last year. It becomes my time to unwind, also a time to rejoice all the good vibrations. As what The Beach Boys said “I’m picking up good vibrations”.

I would like to start this month with lots of self love. What is self love? For me, self love is when you show your gratitude of what you are and what you have. Sometimes we feel so down that we blame ourselves or our body for something we cannot control. It happens, but I guess we need to love ourselves more. Self love does not mean we are selfish. It is different. Selfish more about, you do everything for yourself or your own good without concerning people around you. While self love is all about loving your own self, your body. This month is a time for me to recharge all the energy I spent last year, this is like a new year for me. Self love means that I want to appreciate my body more, I want to say thank you for what my body and mind do for me for these past 24 years.

What can I do to love myself more?

Not only because I am happy I still me. But, it gives positives vibes for my body and mind. I grin a lot, almost never express myself to the world (I do express how I feel to my closest ones).

Second, stop comparing yourself with other. I know, it is hard and I keep doing it until now. As I grew older, I realize that comparing yourself with others will not make myself better, but I feel less. Let’s embrace every little thing that we have.

Third, healthy body is healthy mind. I get sick easily, and from last month I try to do yoga to clear my mind and move my body. A little bit of exercise will do good for your body. I am no expert in exercising but I am trying to give my body a chance to stretch and move.

Fourth, food. This is my biggest challenge so far. I eat sporadically, I never cook my own food, and I eat a lot of deep fried food. This month, I want to start cooking for myself, preparing meals and veggies to eat and snack on. I am looking forward to this step and I am super excited! (Also nervous a bit, can I cope with cooking for myself) I do not want to be hard on myself, but try new thing is never wrong for me. And, yeah, that is all what I want to do to start this month.

In this post, I also would love to share my bullet journal spread. It is already 4 months consecutively since I start my bullet journal. If you wonder how I decided to organize my life through bullet journal, you can check my bullet journal post. I prefer a clean and simple bullet journal, but when I feel like to decorate and doodling here and there I will do it. I guess, there is no strict rule how you should do your bullet journal, right? I feel more organized and I actually forming a habit to check my to - do list and important date or appointment in my bujo. I don’t know why, I prefer something written in the paper than digital reminder. Maybe it is because, I write it myself, so I remember it better.

This is the layout of May spreads!

I put another Yoga Challenge again this month, since last month I cannot stick with it from date 20 until the rest of the month.

The layout is so simple, I could die with happiness. Btw, the stamp on my bullet journal is my DIY project. I will post about it next time.

Let’s create an amazing new year!


Monday, April 23, 2018

Book Talk: "Happiness is Homemade" by Puty Puar

Happy Monday!

Walaupun ini sudah hampir malam dan akan berganti hari, tapi nggak ada salahnya buat tetep semangat menyambut minggu yang baru kaan?

Jadi ceritanya, weekend kemarin, setelah sekian lama nggak pernah ikutan workshop atau kegiatan lain diluar kantor dan Flying Balloons Puppet. Akhirnya, ikutan book talk tentang Happiness is Homemade karya mba Puty Puar yang diadain oleh Folksy Magazine.

Saya belum pernah baca bukunya mba Puty, tapi ternyata reservasinya bisa sekalian sama paket buku Happiness is Homemade, alhasilnya langsung daftar deh (mumpung masih awal bulan juga sih waktu itu, budget buat self-love dan self-improvement masih adaa). Dulu pernah mampir di Instagram mba Puty karena muncul di explore,sempet kepo - kepo juga. Hehehe. Terus main ke blognya juga, banyak bacaan seru juga terutama tentang blogging dan creative work.

Berangkatnya semangat empat lima dah pokoknya, sampai sana langsung ke meja panitia, dan ternyata nama saya yang pertama (keliatan semangatnya kaan?). Habis daftar ulang, peserta di kasi goodie bag dari Folksy isinya buku Happiness is Homemade dan banyak voucher lainnya. Mba Puty ceritain dari perspektifnya sendiri dan juga pengalamannya yang berganti posisi dari awalnya wanita karir ke work at home mom. Sebenarnya yang buat saya tertarik dengan talk seperti ini adalah sifatnya sharing sessions, dan dari peserta itu ada beberapa yang memang ibu rumah tangga dan sedang merintis usaha di rumah.

Personally, saya belum berpikir untuk menjadi perempuan yang bekerja di rumah. Mungkin belum sampai di situ kali ya, karena untuk beberapa perempuan prioritas mereka adalah keluarga dan membesarkan anak. Jadi wajar juga sih kalau saya belum kepikiran ke level itu karena belum berkeluarga dan sama sekali nggak kepikiran buat memiliki anak. Perempuan yang bekerja di rumah dan memprioritaskan anak - anaknya nggak boleh dipandang sebelah mata lho, mereka punya cara mereka sendiri dan juga itu perihal pilihan bukan? Apapun pilihan perempuan dalam hidupnya harus dihargai karena dengan membuat pilihan serta diberikan pilihan adalah salah satu contoh emansipasi perempuan. Ya kaaan?

Menjadi bos sendiri dan bekerja di rumah keliatannya seru dan lebih asyik dibanding kerja kantoran ya kan?Menurut mba Puty nggak semudah itu, apalagi harus ada proses penyesuaian lagi dari sistem bekerja yang berbeda. Terlebih lagi dengan bekerja di rumah, kita harus pintar - pintar memanage waktu dan juga prioritas serta kemampuan kita. Tuh? PR banget yaa, apalagi yang sudah nyaman banget sama kerjaan kantorannya. Namanya pekerjaan, nggak ada yang mudah, baik bekerja dari rumah ataupun di kantor. Cuma, kita harus pinter bersyukur dan ngelakuin semuanya dengan happy.

Sampai lupa buat ceritain isi dan kenapa mba Puty menulis dan juga mengilustrasi buku “Happiness is Homemade” and I totally agree with her. Kebiasaan kita browsing explore dan juga feed Instagram kadang bikin kita ngebandingin apa yang teman - teman kita lakuin dan apa yang kita lakuin. Kayak contohnya nih “Si X udah jalan - jalan ke Iceland aja” “Saya mah apa, cuma bisa ke pasar”. Padahal tanpa kita sadar, sebenarnya hal - hal sederhana dan receh yang kita lakuin dan alamin setiap harinya itu bikin kita bahagia juga lho. Karena itu judulnya bukunya Happiness is Homemade, kebahagian - kebahagiaan yang hadir dan dibuat di rumah.

Nggak dipungkirin kan, kita bakal ngebandingin achievement temen - temen kita di Instagram dengan apa yang kita raih juga. Rasanya jauuuh banget, tapi setiap ada pikiran kayak gitu, biasanya saya bakalan ucapin mantra gini “Orang punya waktunya masing - masing. Waktu saya pasti akan datang dengan kejutan yang berbeda”. Padahal sebenarnya kita tau kalau hidup social media itu juga udah dikurasi oleh masing - masing pemilik akun tapi tendensi buat comparing ourselves itu kadang masih sering muncul. Jadi, intinya kita harus rajin - rajin bersyukur. Nah, bukunya mba Puty ini nggak cuma punya ilustrasi yang lucu, tapi juga cukup ampuh buat jadi reminder buat tetep bersyukur. Buat yang belum baca dan lihat bukunya, wajiib lihat dan baca.

Keep dreaming little owls!


Friday, January 12, 2018

Behind the Stages: Numb between my toes as I cannot help you no more

Courtesy: Nurul Fatimah

The curtain closed, Sunday was the last day of My Friend Has Come to be performed in Jogja Contemporary. It was magically sad and devastating actually. Like,  As the world turns so incredibly fast, there is no time for people to reach out. 

When you feel left out, no one would care.If you feel lonely, it is inevitable. The world has no interest in your life and misery. It will go round as it should be, whether you are alive or not.

But, do you know when exactly you die or dead? Do you feel it? It is like the life of persimmon tree. You keep guessing if it dies or not because it is still standing whether it dies or lives. I think that how "Me" questioning the persimmon tree or how "Me" and "My Friend" debating about a seed of persimmon tree they found on tatami are like human questioning the future.

I saw from the performance and conclude that someone hands mean so much for other who try to reach out and speak their hearts out. But, it is too late for them. "Me" cannot hold "My Friend"'s hands or drag him out of his own solitude. When "My Friend" cried a little, pull himself together, and start riding his bicycle away from "Me". He felt it is the time to say goodbye. When "Me" comeback with a glass of barley tea, he found out that "My Friend" is no longer there. No one in the room but him and empty photos of his own face. Goodbye is always difficult. I cried inside but no more tears falling out if my eyes. Only regret like what "Me" felt most of the time. 

As I reflect to the script itself, I always wondering how Toshiro Suzue-san could write a beautiful story that we could connect with. It is absolutely different from how Japanese and Indonesian felt about the issue, but like it or not each one of us would ended up on that stage. The technology that develop too fast, of course, give us the side effect. We become more and more ignorant. 

During I translated the script, I always imagined how it happened. How each scene overlapping one another. How the sound of cicadas played softly but intensely emerged on the set. But, when the script was played on the stage there are more factors need to be consider such as director, actor, time and space, even the budget of the performance need to be calculated and whether you like it or not will influence the performance itself. But, I knew for sure that Mas Enx, Rangga, and Anwar always gave their best to performed this script and the performance was brilliant. I have to admit that, Rangga and Anwar finally could control themselves and "be" the characters. Even though they found the inside of each character on the last minute, but I am proud of what they bring to the set. 

All I could give is a standing ovation for Mas Enx, Rangga, Anwar, and all the team that made it happen. To all the audiences that were coming and enjoying the moment with us. To audiences that gave us their honest opinion and share their writings about the performance, it was an honour and we believe that are more things to come. 

For me, a stranger that accidentally jump and dive in into theatre, performance is not only about people who do the work behind and on the stage, but all of elements that give their energy to experience and share the stories. 

I am looking forward to see a great and positive circle of people on another great chance.



Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thoughts: Why some trends are over-rated

Have you been into some trends lately? Or wanting to buy that new sweatshirts everyone else are into. How about weekend and try a new gelato stands where everyone in town are craving for. Each one of us have been or being in the phase, I bet so because I did the same thing in some stages of my life. But, as I get older (probably wiser) I wonder why trends are over-rated. Is it the story covered by rainbow and sprinkle that makes it a must-have or simply because it was trend that it is why it is over-rated (get it?)

No doubt, the rise of social media especially Instagram are the machine of all these trends even though people are following trends since it was put on the magazine you were buying when you are in middle school. The hype, though, is super real! I realize this when a lot of people starting to try the electronic cigarette or what they called vapor here in Indonesia. I saw how my brother are into this kind of trends despite the truth whether he really needs it or not.

People born with desire and I know that it is one of biggest challenges everyone are trying to suppress since Adam and Eve are thrown to earth. Desire. Big word with a ton of meaning. Back on the trends, actually human can survive without all of it, right? You naturally fulfilling your basic needs like food, clothes, and shelter. But, in reality, the basic needs even change through time. Say Hi to globalization that makes everything possible.

There is always the dark side of new cool things, right? Even technologies, it has a ton of advantages to human life, but on the other side it has bad side that we realize it or not. Following the trend not only about how social media announce and spread the words on that topics or certain items, but how each individual perceived the needs of things. It is fact that the social media has a big role in shaping how people respond and act on certain issues.

So, why some trends are over-rated? It is probably because people keep on posting on that. Once someone knew the trend, they will follow and post it in Instagram, simple! Especially the influencers, once they follow the trend, every followers will do the same. It is bandwagon effects. Everyone do what everyone else is doing despite what they believe in.

Trends come and go but personal style is timeless

No matter how big the ads showed by social media every single hour even seconds. Once you found your gem within you. You will survive little diamonds!

Welcome to the age when people need to get smarter than technology.


Saturday, October 1, 2016


Hello people!
In this post, I will tell you about my goals on October. A new month, fresh beginning!

I never write on my blog for quite a while. I missed it, really. But, as the time goes by, I have been busy with my responsibilities. Guess what? my final thesis is on the way. It is quite hectic and crazy time. It feels like it tries to catch  and eat me alive! I mean, it is a job needs to be done before the year end. Even more, I have to divide my attention to project I have been working on, puppet theater project that will be perform in the end of the year. Also, I have a good news. I got a job! really excited and nervous all in one. But, I am happy. Yeah~ Adulthood is coming its way.

Anyway, as introduction, I would like to dedicate myself in the 30 days blogging challenge. How exciting is that! I like writing but I have a bad traits when it comes to keep my mood in writing. So, I think by taking this challenge I could, at least, create a good habit. I found this post about month of blogging challenge from Pinterest, But, unfortunately, I could not provide the source of this brilliant idea. Search the keyword, and maybe, maybe, you will find it. Let's continue, as the first post on this challenge, it said that this one is dedicated to be a introduction to the whole month journey. 

For everyone who never read my blog before, let me introduce my self. I am student that currently working on my final thesis. The kind of girl that you will find carrying books and papers, walking carelessly, and usually fix her glasses back to the position over and over again. I know that the internet world can be cruel sometimes, using photos for their advantages without permission and even worst using someone identity to create dating online profile, despite all the harm the web world could offer, let see the bright side, someone like me could talking endlessly about her life and mission in this blog. If you read this, there will be two possibility, either you ignore it totally, or curious about me then you scroll all the way to the beginning. I might be flattered if you scroll all the way down. 

This is what actually happen, if I start mumbling. Words will flow and I don't even know what I am talking about. Ah! Introduction! Sorry, totally forgot! I think that would be enough as introduction, right?

See you tomorrow

Friday, December 27, 2013

Don't Run Away

"Don't run away"
That's what written in a locker I found in Biennale Jogja XII at Jogja National Museum. I just open the folder  in my computer and found this photo. 

What I get from this locker is that human always have flaws and do mistake in their life. And when you make a mistake, never run from it, face it. You cannot change anything, once broken it will never be 100% like it was. Like a China vase from ceramics, you accidentally broke it and all the pieces scattered on the floor. What you can do? Glued it together? It will never be the same again. There's a scar left all over the vase. Then why you have to run away?

Don't run away. Especially from your self. :)

Night People!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Biennale Jogja Venue: Langgeng Art Foundation

The First Gallery

Nasir Nasrallah, The Story Converter, 2012

Dina Danish

Ayman Yousri, Check-point, 2013

Magdi Mostafa, Transparent Existence, 2009

The second gallery in the basement
Wael Shawky, The Cave, 2004-2005

The last locker everyone!

Venzha Cristiawan, Immortal-The Mind Beyond Self, 2013

the simulation

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