Sunday, March 17, 2019

A story of a young Orangutan

I always find it fascinating, a wilderness and unique animals exist in Indonesia. There are thousands of animals and plants spread all across this nation. Have you see any of them? Some of us might have a chance to see them in the zoo, more lucky people live side by side with them. Do you have any idea how the way we live now influence their natural habitat?

Concerning I might say, how we treat our environment today. Even though, the exposure from T.V. and media is devastating to look at, but not many people think that it is a priority to save our environment. People tend to debating about whether you have faith to God or not if you choose certain people as your leader. They forget that those leaders they talk about, they don't give s*** to the future of Indonesian environmental problem. Sorry I have to say that, if you looked back on the last presidential candidate official debate, no one talked about it. No one.

They do not feel guilty from what they left their children and grandchildren with. More and more plants and animals went extinct. Less and less safe place to live. We are guilty for what our generation will experience in their life. I feel guilty if my generation cannot feel the fresh breeze of wind, or clear sea where they can swim and dive. I feel guilty for forgetting that I live in a place together not only with other human but other living things who provides me with foods, lands, and water. I believe that God want us not to be greedy. I am sure of that. I could not give you the verses you are looking for, but that is what I believe. Before I rant more about how ignorant people nowadays, let me tell you a story, that is what I want to write today.

I want to share a story of young Orangutan, who lost his home. Can you imagine if your homeland is no longer exist? There is no place to come back home. No one wanted to experience that. But, sometimes we ignore the lives of others. The forest you used to find foods, now gone. The river where you get your water and fish, now dirty full of plastics and all that toxic waste. Imagine being him where all his family and friends are whether dying from expulsion or fire, captured by people because they are considered a pest. He is full of confusion, anger, and sadness. He only wished to see his family and live like they used to be.

I am an Orangutan, who lives in the land we share together

My body was on fire
Not from what people used to burn my home with
But from anger
Who heats my soul

I cursed
I screamed
Wanting people to hear
That I am here

Will you listen?
Will you understand?
Those branches
Are my favorite place

It used to be
Place where my mother feeds me
Where I jumped and play
With my little brother

That tree is not yours
Neither mine
Would you want to share?
The same air its produced

I bet you do not want
Because you feel so much higher
You feel that you are in power
But, you are not

I feel weird writing those poem/poetry/whatever you want to called it. I feel the resentment. I feel bad. But, I think that somehow you have to transfer your mind.

Anyway, this year, Flying Balloons Puppet will come with a new performance about Orangutan. We want to share our perspective on this issue. We are not the environment activist, but we want to let people know and feel that this is what happen in our beloved country.

Let's meet and be there to experience the lost, anguish, that Orangutan felt about his home.

Would he find his home? Would he be happy?

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Postcards, story from a piece of paper

A little memoir of an old and new journey

Postcard is something I collected for years now. They are bought or given. No matter how they finally come to my home, it brings story about where they made and from.

For me personally, postcard is maybe the easiest souvenir people could give. It is lightweight and if it is carefully pick, it will be the perfect mementos. They came from whether from faraway land or from the next city. All of them brings their own stories and memories. Some of postcard I have are bought from vintage market, so they are used postcard. I wonder how each people met, how they finally ended up sending one another a piece of card, writing a short thoughtful sentence. The ideas are mesmerising for me.

It takes various amount of time for postcard to finally arrived to our doorsteps. Some postcard takes days, some other takes weeks and months. When it arrived, there is a jolt of excitement. Happiness is a little thing, like postcard for example.

If you are interested on how each postcard that I collected share their story, please do check my account here.

I make this one short introduction to what I do in my spare time, anyway, thank you for stopping by.


Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Be mindful dengan keuangan pribadi

Photo source: Pexels
Tulisan ini sebenarnya lanjutan dari conscious living yang sedang saya coba terapkan. Be mindful dan juga conscious tidak selalu tentang barang - barang lho, tapi keuangan dan pengeluaran pribadi juga akan terdampak. Kok bisa? Saya awalnya juga ragu sih, apa beneran bisa ngatur keuangan yang subhanallah susahnya diatur karena kebiasaan jaman kuliah masih kebawa - bawa sampai sekarang.

Jadi, jaman kuliah dulu, masih di endorse sama orang tua, apalagi waktu jaman kuliah s1. Gak pernah kepikiran bakalan ngatur keuangan sehari - hari kayak sekarang. Setelah kerja dan menikah, saya pengennya bisa lebih cermat dalam mengatur finansial saya dan Rangga. Susah banget, apalagi kami memang sukanya jajan, makan itu nomor satu deh dibanding belanja baju. Kadang suka geleng - geleng sama kebiasaan kayak gitu, tapi namanya ingin merubah kebiasaan itu bukan perkara yang mudah kan ya?

Saya sempet kepikiran, apa perlu membagi rekening ke beberapa post gitu, biar tau setiap bulan itu pendapatan kita habis buat apa. Bingung mau bikin rekening baru atau gimana, karena ribet juga kalau bikin rekening bank baru. Beberapa waktu yang lalu, sempet lihat instagram story temen yang datang ke acara Jenius di Jogja. Penasaran deh apa itu Jenius, browsing websitenya, terus baca - baca. Ternyata di Jenius bisa bikin rekening lewat smartphone. Kelihatannya super simple plus segala transaksi juga bisa dilakuin di smartphone dari bayar tagihan, simpan duit dan juga deposit, bahkan bisa terbitin kartu debit juga.

Personal Photo

Ada beberapa fitur Jenius yang menurut saya sangat membantu untuk mengatur keuangan sehari - hari, antara lain:

Send it
Menurut saya, send it itu salah satu fitur oke banget yang ditawarkan Jenius. Kenapa? Karena ngirim uang jadi gampang banget. Ada beberapa cara, kirim dengan masukin $cashtag pengguna jenius lainnya, dan tentu tetep bisa kirim dengan nomor rekening. Semuanya dilakukan lewat smartphone. Gak cuma ngirim - ngirim duit sih, bayar tagihan juga bisa. Sejak ngurusin kontrakan grup kami, saya biasa membayar tagihan listrik online. Lebih mudah dan menghemat waktu sih, apalagi lokasi kontrakan tersebut lumayan jauh dari mana - mana.

Photo Source: Instagram Jenius Connect
Pay me
Ini sebenarnya fitur Jenius yang paling bikin penasaran. Jujur saja sih, kadang menagih hutang ke teman itu susahnya minta ampun, karena gak enak juga. Walaupun menagih hutang itu kewajiban ya. Fitur ini belum pernah saya coba sebelumnya. Karena dulu pernah punya pengalaman tidak mengenakan mengenai utang piutang, menagih hutang itu jadi kegiatan yang cukup bikin deg-degan dan resah (ceileeeh). Semoga next time bisa nyobain fitur Jenius satu ini.

Jenius Pay
Transaksi belanja online emang paling juara beberapa tahun belakangan ini ya, bahkan kayaknya orang semakin banyak melakukan transaksi e-commerce. Karena mudah dan teknologi makin buat prosesnya lebih sederhana. Jenius pay ini adalah salah satu metode transaksi online dengan menggunakan $Cashtag Jenius. Habis belanja di situs online, kita bisa melakukan pembayaran order kita langsung lewat smartphone lewat fitur Jenius Pay ini. Tapi berusaha banget buat gak asal beli - beli karena kemudahannya. Karena, kembali lagi, mengatur keuangan juga berhubungan dengan tidak menghamburkan uang untuk hal yang tidak menjadi prioritas kita. Sekarang, setiap mau beli sesuatu online, paling masuk ke keranjang belanja, setelah direview, gak semua yang masuk bakalan dibeli. Perlu banget buat nanyain seberapa butuh dan pentingnya barang tersebut. 

Jadi, e-wallet Jenius ini tempat kita mengatur dan juga top-up e-wallet kita. Contohnya, saldo Go-pay sudah habis, bisa tuh di topup di sini. Fitur ini bisa mengatur sampai dengan 10 e-wallet.  

Photo source: Pexels

Save ini salah satu fitur Jenius yang sangat saya idamkan. Pengen banget membagi tabungan ke beberapa pos tiap bulannya. Tabungan jalan - jalan, tabungan emergency, sama tabungan masa depan bisa dibedakan ke pos - pos yang berbeda. Ini kayaknya kesulitan yang sering saya hadapin, karena tabungan impiannya (ceileh) tidak dipisahin sama tabungan transaksi harian, alhasil terkadang menguap begitu saja. Sedih kan? Karena itu saya pikir fitur ini cocok banget buat saya dan Rangga yang punya kesulitan dalam saving.

Fitur Save ini sendiri punya beberapa jenis, yaitu Flexi saver, Dream saver, dan juga Maxi saver. Flexi Saver ini jenis tabungan berbunga setara deposito yang bisa ditarik kapan saja. Sedangkan untuk Dream Saver, jenis tabungan dengan tempo waktu yang juga kita tentukan sendiri. Contohnya, kamu bikin pos tabungan untuk perjalanan atau trip kamu keluar negeri, bisa deh bikin Dream Saver, otomatis sejumlah dana akan dipotong tiap bulan untuk dimasukkan ke tabungan ini dan semuanya kamu atur sendiri. Bahkan di Dream Saver ini, kamu bisa membuat 10 tabungan lho, lumayan kan buat tabungan travel atau tabungan buat beli gadget baru.  Dan yang terakhir ada Maxi Saver, tabungan ini memiliki bunga yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dua jenis tabungan sebelumnya. Jenis tabungan ini cocok banget untuk kamu yang ingin mengumpulkan modal usaha. Untuk lebih lengkapnya bisa cek di sini ya.

Sebenarnya selain fitur transaksi keuangan, Jenius juga membantu kita dengan fitur Controlnya. Control ini berfungsi buat mengatur dan memanage aktivitas keuangan kita di Jenius. Contoh control yang bisa kita lakukan antara lain Pengeluaran kartu debit, In and out history transaksi yang lebih detil, serta bisa juga memberikan E-statement atau rekening koran kita.

Photo Source: Jenius website

Hampir aja ketinggalan nih, Jenius juga mengeluarkan beberapa Card yaitu Kartu Debit Utama (m-card), Kartu Debit Virtual (e-card), dan Kartu Debit Tambahan (x-card). Masing - masing cards bisa kamu dapatkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan kamu. Kamu juga mengatur seluruh aktivitas kartu kamu, mulai dari ubah limit kartu kamu, ubah pin, blokir kartu jika kartu kamu hilang, serta bisa cek histori transaksi dari kartu kamu.

Untuk kalian yang mau dapatin berbagai inspirasi dan juga berkokreasi, bisa juga cek website Jenius Co-Create. Banyak aktivitas seru yang bisa kamu ikutin untuk cari tau tentang finansial bahkan sharing di berbagai thread tentang pengalaman kamu mengatur keuangan. Banyakin baca jadi salah satu cara juga sih buat cari tau cara apa untuk mengatur keuangan yang cocok dengan gaya hidup saya dan Rangga. 

Mengatur keuangan itu menurut saya pribadi adalah tugas yang super berat, hahaha, karena harus sabar dan bersyukur. Iya, belajar mengatur keuangan itu juga perlu banyak bersyukurnya, bersyukur masih bisa makan, masih punya tempat tinggal, dan masih punya teman yang mau diajak berbagi cerita. Karena dengan bersyukur saya bisa lebih santai mengatur keuangan, gak bakal ada mental break down atau nerve yang gak bisa di manage. Eh, tapi bukan berarti saya sudah yang paling jago ya.

To be honest, saya jauh banget dari berhasil mengelola keuangan dengan baik, tapi saya yakin banget sama hal yang kalau dimulai dari sekarang, sedikit demi sedikit, dan konsisten mudah - mudahan jadi lebih baik. Apalagi sekarang sudah ada Jenius yang cocok banget buat saya dan Rangga. Hehehe. Semoga bisa makin ahli deh ngurus keuangan kami.


Friday, March 1, 2019


I believe that I do suck sometimes, but at least I try to not suck a lot this month.

Here I go again, sharing my bullet journal spreads to welcome March. Damn! Life is a like a speed of light, you never realise that it is already passed you by. I start 2019 with a hopeful vision that my life will turn out good this year. I mean by good is that, I could do everything that I love to do and share my personal problem with my partner, through thick and thin.

March welcome page

Besides sharing how March spreads will be, I also want to share a bit about me moving out (again). Yes! I am moving out of our Studio. Since couple months ago, I move to my partner's place which is also our group's studio. There are several people live in the house as well, it's quite weird situation for us to accommodate our needs in the same place.

On February, Rangga and I decided to move out to our own place. The house is quite far from the city center but we really love the surrounding. Even though we live in a housing complex, on the way there, there are lots of trees. The air is also nice and fresh.

I am glad that we got a quite big house, since, after May, most of Flying Balloons Puppet tools will be move to our place. I know, it will be the same as living in the studio, but now, only me and Rangga who live in the house, our friends will just come and go. I always excited to move from one place to another one. I mean like, almost every year, I moved out from one rent room to another one. I get bored easily, that is why the feeling of getting to somewhere new, excite my inner self. I love to organize things and stuff that I have, put it on the box and check it if I still need it on the next place. I have no idea whether I will be moving again after this house, since Rangga will not agree with that idea. He is not a fan of moving too often.

In order to do everything, I rely on my bullet journal even for moving out part. So, here is my bullet journal spreads for March, enjoy!

Weekly spreads with additional tracker, I want to try to track my habit weekly.

Try to be more and more ethical. Hard work indeed

Blog planner and project diy that I want to do for new house! Yas!!!

Last month, I cannot keep my promise for my self to upload 5 entries each month. There is a lot going on, moving out to our new place, getting sick during and after moving all our belongings, and also a job interview within last month. 

Thank you for stopping by!


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