Tuesday, September 7, 2010

NOTE: For my dad

i couldnt sleep that nite,i didnt remember when it was.but, my tears felt down again. i try all my best to be patient to face the truth. i try to be a strong girl for mom. i want to be a supergirl that always smile even her heart broken into pieces. but all memories about you appeared in my head,all of them!. they spinning around my head. one by one just like a slideshow. you know,i always remember when i saw your proud face when i came home and showed my raport. i miss u sooo much!! my tears wont stop at that time and now. i slept with mom and hugged her until i fell asleep. im dreaming of you dad. i love you with all my heart.
sometimes i cry at school without any reasons, only thinking of you. i still cannot believe that i'm already had no daddy. three months seems so long to me. i pretend that you just go for a while, and will come back soon. but the truth is you never come back home. you have a place where you belong now. what could someone like me do? nothing dad. i really miss u. i miss u so much.
you know, my tears felt down when i pray tarawih at the first night of Ramadhan. i cried in my pray. i never think that ramadhan last year is your last ramadhan.
you are not here at home, when idul fitri. sometimes, i hate when people makes me cry again. i don't want to cry. i want to be strong. im praying for you dad.

I♥U DAD!! :)

NOTE: The day he was gone, forever

ive never imagine that you'll gonna leave us that day...
you said that you'll come with me when i enter university...
you said that you'll stay with me when im doing my study...
i hope that you'll be there: •when i graduate from SHS..
•when i enter university..
•when i finish all my study..
•when i get a job..
•when i have my own first salary..
•when i can build you a home..
•when i can take you to mecca..
•when i give you grandchild..
•when i can make you and mom proud, to be my parents..
you leaved me now...
you're going to a place where you could find a true happiness...
im ready for this,because it was the best way that Allah gave to you and our family
i always saw you in living room,wearing your short pants,watching a tv,or you just sat on chair, smoke your ciggarate and having a cup of coffee.
i was always waiting,when you cook your fried rice,i just love it,it was always delicious, no one ever cooked like you do.
i heard that you ask me to rub your back with powder,help you with your mobile phone,turn on a fan for you and so on.
i watched you fed your fish,cleaning its tank.
i complained to you,if you watched wayang and turn it on so loud.
i just love the way you are.the way you raised me.
im the luckiest person in the world having you as my dad.
i miss u so much daddy...♥
My first post in 2010 after my dad passed away on May 3, 2010

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