Friday, September 12, 2014

Nighty Night My Thesis

I've been working on my final paper for the undergraduate degree. It is ashamed that I haven't post anything on this blog for a quite long time since the beginning of the year.

Get stuck and have no idea left to write for my chapter I. And here I am writing a random grumbling on my long time boyfriend (read: blog). ��

Hopefully I could writing again soon.

There's a lot of things happen in my life lately.

See you peeps.



Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Where have you been?

Where have you been?
Yes! I have been nowhere lately. Haven't write in this blog since my last post in the beginning of this year. What I have missed? A lot.

So, maybe I may begin with,
The most important things in this semester -> KKN (what you have to do if you want to write your final paper in order to get your undergraduate degree here in Indonesia, it means "kind-of" making a contribution to the society, you will put in group and have a project in certain village) and I have this program in this semester. :'D

Next thing is that, R is busy with his creative process, preparing for his performance test in the end of this semester. He will have a monologue and body talk. He is doing his best. May his effort results in good performance. *cross my finger.

And, good news is I have joined a Garage Sale with May in the mid-April. It is quite a new experience for me actually. And it is not that bad as I thought. Hahaha. I never join any kind of event since I enter university. :p

It is a good beginning to start writing! :D

Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014: Premiere Post of the Year

Happy New Year 2014 WORLD! 
2013 already passed and let's rock this year!
*I know it's too late, but that's alright :p
So many stories from last year. Happy tears, joy, and laugh. Sad moments, cries, and tears.

I turned 20, my oldest sister married, I had bad situation (only God and I knows exactly how I feel :( ), I had a moment when I stucked with my study and university life (I'm bored!), finally have a courage to join a competition, addicted to crafty things, figured out that I might have an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), I can't mention it one by one. Terrific year!

No one would wish for a bad year, right? So do I!. My goals this year is not that different from years before. But, the new and sophisticated one is "Gaining Weight". Many of my friends (even all of them) said that I am too skinny. And I knew it! I feel bad and weird being too skinny. I want WEIGHT! Not too much, 15 kilos is perfect number for me. :p It doesn't mean that I'm not glad for what have been given to me. Too skinny is not healthy (it's a rhyme!) I stocked food and milk to start my mission. Hope it will works. That's all in my premiere post for 2014. May the world become better this year. :)



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