Wednesday, May 17, 2017

24 years of life

People born with a reason. I still believe in that phrase. You are here for a reason, and each individual are searching, realizing, and doing things based on this reason. And here I am searching for the reason I live.

The year passes by like time does not care whether you are alive or die. This post I dedicated for the day my mom delivered me to this world and how I survive these past 23 years of my life. Born in a happy and religious family is shaping me to be who I am today. I am glad that I am me. There is nothing that could compare how much my parent, family, and sisters has given to me all these years. I am blessed.

When you grow up, you might exposed and intersect with many different people and situation that give you lessons, happiness, and other feelings which at some point will be too overwhelmed and push you to the edge. Everyone have their own problems and stories. You might face your biggest fear now, or you might find your happiness. Both is made only for you, that is why you are special. Each handprint, footstep, and laugh are different, embrace it. You might get into bus, car, or train today. Then enjoy every little bit of the journey. You have a reason to live and someday each of us will find it.

Here are a note to myself and everyone who is going through phases in their life. I write the note in Indonesian. Hope you enjoy it.


Segenggam debu berkilau ditiupkan
Nafas berhembus pelan
Teriakan melengking mengisi penjuru ruangan
Tuhan menuliskannya jauh sebelum hari ini tiba
Dan saatnya terbang

Dunia berputar dengan irama langit
Begitu juga denganmu
Menari antara bising dan tabrakkan kecil yang terjadi apa adanya
Tidak berlebih
Ataupun kurang

Ketika darah mengucur, ataupun air mata terderai
Tawa pecah, atau amarah sedang berkuasa
Semua ada waktunya. Dan setiap detiknya dibuat oleh dan untukmu seorang.

Jalan tak akan pernah sama
Karena jejak kita berbeda
Cahaya datang dengan cara yang menakjubkan bagi setiap orang

Yogyakarta, May 17th 2017

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