Monday, January 1, 2018

Personal: I start bullet journaling to welcome 2018!

I prepare this entry to welcome 2018!
New Year
New Adventure

Thank you to merciful God for all the blessings, healths, and gifts I had in 2017. Without it, I doubt I could face today's sunlight in the new year. There are more journey and experiences to explore. There are people that I want to meet. And of course there are goals I want to achieve every year. 

The goals and tasks need to done properly in this new beginning and I choose bullet journal to guide my way!

I have been checking all those wonderful bullet journal on the internet and I want to have one! So, yeah I plan to start my bullet journal starting this year, 2018. Time of revival! I know, too many exclamation sign will means nothing. But, I am super excited!

There are a lot of plans and works I need to do this year and I think I am ready to take the organization of my life into the next level (read:journal). I have been start writing weekly starting on October. I want to make it a habits actually, because you know all the way there must be a time when even to crawl out of the bed is hard to do. I have gathering supplies as well for my bullet journal. And here it is!
I bought it customized from my friend, she has handmade notebook business named Palka Kreatif, you should check on it. Mine is around 150,000 rupiahs and for the pen I just use all pens I could find gather round my place. Nothing fancy really. The size of my bullet journal is A6, quite small compare to original bullet journal by Leuchtturm 1917 which is also expensive for me. The price is approximately 400,000 rupiah, can you imagine it is the same amount of my lunch budget each month. I know for sure that, I would probably too afraid to use it or even make a terrible mistakes on it. 

This is my bullet journal. Pretty neat, isn't it? Finally setting up my life for 2018 in advance. 
As you can see, the inside of this bullet journal is like midori traveling journal so I could fill in more notebooks inside and change it while it is already full. So, I think it is a good investment for me to start this year. The notebook inside is plain, so I decide to cover it with origami paper my friend's bought for me after travelling to Japan. It fits well, and even more personalized. I love it! I think the quality of leather and paper of this journal is good. I will custom another fill with thicker paper so I could use my watercolor in it. Yeay! So, bullet journal is one of goal I will have in 2018. But, to make it more new year vibes entry, I will list down below my 2018 goals.

2018 goals
Yoga and other physical exercise twice a week at least
Read 52 books a year
Savings for future travel adventure
Write 5 blog entries at least each month
Bring Flying Balloons Puppet to be one of performance group in Indonesia
Bullet journaling
Take a deep breath before starting anything
Learn Spanish and Japanese again
Finding and seizing opportunity to study again
Be a humble individual
Be more patient

I actually put some of these goals on my bullet journal. I hope everyone of you have a great and amazing year ahead. Let us embrace a new year with a big dream and lot of hard work.


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