Monday, September 11, 2017

50 Seemingly Fun Bucket List


Today I would like to talk about Bucket List, my own bucket list. I have wrote about this topic before, you can check it here. I want to write a new version of it. This list actually another wish list, but it is more mature one, (Haha! Probably, I hope so)

Bucket list talks about list of things that someone wants to do or achieve before they die. The term gained the popularity when movie titled Bucket List starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson aired in 2007. Have you seen the movie? It was a great movie. Two old men try to fulfill their dream after they get terminal illness that brought them up together despite of their background.

Okay back to the business. Disclaimer, the bucket list that I will write here consists of things that I consider to achieve (I put a lot of thoughts on it) and things that spontaneously and seemingly fun to do before I hide among the dirt.

Without no further due, here we go!

  1. Go back to Spain and spend some beautiful summer morning by the beach.
  2. Have a small house with a garden full of veggies. (Hey! Don’t forget my dogs and cats)
  3. Continue my study to higher degree. (Cultural Diplomacy major!)
  4. Developing the puppet theater group I am currently with.
  5. Start working and creating with my besties (the dark humor merch)
  6. Going to Madagascar
  7. Eat a sago worms in Papua
  8. Cook paella with a real saffron
  9. Surf in Lakey with my partner 😌
  10. Go to United States of America
  11. Road trip in Grand Canyon
  12. Spend a week in Thailand
  13. Go to Japan before 30
  14. A day in Ghibli Museum
  15. Meet my Facebook friends in their home country
  16. Visit Petra, Jordan
  17. Camping with my best friend in one of Lombok’s beaches
  18. Get married and plan my own wedding
  19. Climb a mountain once in a lifetime
  20. Collect all hand machines
  21. Has a secretive tattoo 😏
  22. Build my own bookcase
  23. Write and publish book
  24. Sail in Komodo island
  25. Cook and serve dinner for my bestfriend and special one
  26. Going somewhere for artist residency
  27. Sew my future kids their own clothes
  28. Sew my own wedding dress
  29. Holiday trip with my two best buddies (Arta and Ditto) Yay!
  30. Spend a month in Italy
  31. Go to Iceland and watch Sigur Ros
  32. Go to summer music festival
  33. Own a small garden
  34. Harvest and cook veggies from my own garden
  35. Perform puppet theater abroad
  36. Have my own DIY workshop
  37. Join half marathon
  38. Snorkeling in Karimun Jawa
  39. Spend a week in Natuna with Rangga
  40. Visit the treasure hunter museum
  41. Enjoy an afternoon in Montmartre
  42. Go to Rome with train
  43. Visit Germany and stay in one of cool airbnb accommodation
  44. Trip to all Southeast Asian countries
  45. Visit Budapest
  46. Eat kebab in Bismillah Restaurant in Barcelona (Again)
  47. Swim in dead sea
  48. Visit Hawaii
  49. Have my own exhibition
  50. Play in snowy road

The list could go on and on actually. But, I stop in number 50 because this 50 seemingly fun items need years to be completed.

I do not want to set time for all these adventures, I just want to enjoy every single of it. No pressure to myself if I cannot finish all of it. Life could lead you into different direction and most of the things are mistery for us to be found.

Keep dreaming little owl.


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