A little quote from my favorite Japanese designer, Yohji Yamamoto |
Welcome February!
From now on, I will try to share my bullet journal spreads in the beginning of every month. This is my second year doing bullet journal. I really enjoy the moment when I need to prepare a new month ahead. I know what I want each month, and what kind of spreads who will help through the month.
So, these are my spreads for February.
I try to combine texture and a little bit of grey in this spreads. Again, for weekly log, I keep it simple as I do not want to track every single things each week.
This is a spread of my monthly goals, tasks, and also projects. I want to see what I should completed this month. I am not going to put details in each one. The next page is my habit and health tracker. You will see better in this image below.
Habit and health tracker, I missed spell the words, but anyway. |
In January 2019, I would like to record and plan ahead my blog as well as social media of Flying Balloons Puppet. Even though in real life, I still miss some of them. But, I know that at least I need to try to do it. The next page of this spreads is a poem by Rumi.
I always makes mistakes in my bullet journal, whether wrong days, or wrong spelled. But, I do not want it to be something I need to think about a lot. So, every time I make some mistake, I just lined it up or simply put other paper on top of it. Nothing is perfect, that is why I try to embrace that imperfection. Yes, you see on the next page is to-do list for moving out. Me and my partner will move out in the end of February after he comeback for his tour. I make this spread to remind me what I need to do before moving out and what projects I want to do with the new house.
Again, this weekly spreads is so simple, nothing fancy about it. But, I like it so much. For now, I will stick with this layout until I want to explore more on this spreads.
This month, I give my friend a spreads of February for her graduation gifts. I forgot to take a picture of the spreads. I try to put her style and mood into the bullet journal. It takes me couple of hours to finish the spreads, but before jump into writing and scribble stuff on it, I made a list of spreads that I want to include in the bullet journal. It is quite a time consuming works, but I enjoy giving something like that. Her face is priceless when she open our presents. Maybe, I could make it into business, -- preparing bullet journal spreads with love --. Hahaha. I will post the picture later, if I could ask her to take some picture of it.
Thank you for stopping by!
*all photos are my personal photo
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